AutoNxt launched India’s first electric tractor at Talao Pali Lake Side in Thane. The event was attended by the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Eknath Shinde, who highlighted the tractor’s role in agricultural progress and technological innovation. Other dignitaries, including Naresh Mhaske, MP of Thane, Shreekanth Shinde, MP of Kalyan, and Pratap Sarnaik, MLA of Thane, were also present.
Chief Minister Eknath Shinde praised AutoNxt’s initiative, emphasizing its alignment with Maharashtra’s vision for sustainable agricultural practices, “The launch captured the essence of ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan,’ embodying a commitment to both agricultural progress and technological innovation.”
“The benefits of electric tractors for farmers are immense, and we are committed to supporting the growth of electric vehicles through favorable policies and incentives,” the chief minister said.
The event, notable for its collaborative nature, saw participation from respected corporators and dignitaries across Maharashtra. This wide-ranging support emphasized the communal effort behind the launch.
A highlight of the launch was CM Shinde personally demonstrating the electric tractor, showcasing its performance and advanced features. He expressed admiration for its capabilities, adding authenticity to the claims of its cutting-edge design.
The founders of AutoNxt, Kaustubh Dhonde and Pankaj Goyal, were present along with Board Member Swadeep Pillarisetti, experiencing the realization of their eight years of vision and hard work. The event was meticulously organized by the AutoNxt team, led by Sales Partner Abhishek Shinde.
The successful launch of the AutoNxt Electric Tractor marks a significant step in integrating electric vehicles into agriculture, indicative of both technological progress and a move towards sustainable farming. As Maharashtra endorses green technology, AutoNxt’s innovation is expected to redefine the agricultural landscape, offering substantial benefits to farmers and contributing to environmental conservation.